A volunteers group that work closely with CEEI is the Beach Cleaning Team of Greece. This is what we do… this is what we have gained from first hand experience and these are some future project ideas, along with some interesting stats!!!
During our actions we clean the beaches and seabeds from garbage. The most frequent garbage we come across are plastic bottles and bags, plastic glasses (for take away coffees), soft drink/beer tins and many more that pollute the environment. Our goal is to reduce the garbage that exists both inside and outside the water. Recently we joined the international organization Project Aware, which deals with the disposal of garbage. With their Adopt a Dive Site program we adopted Porto Rafti which is on the west coast of Attica. The purpose of our actions is to not only protect the environment by cleaning it but also raise awareness in people.
Having said that, we would like to inform you about our new projects and ideas that we have been developing. The most important project is working with schools where we will inform and raise awareness of marine pollution to children at a very young age. Another more direct strategy for awareness is to organize beach cleanups with the students which we believe will also allow the children to feel part of an important community.
The second big project we are working on is to minimize the use of plastic cups/straws, coffee shops use. By reaching these goals, it would be a big accomplishment for our team.
If you would like to join us in our actions, you can read about our events on our social media
Σε κάθε δράση που οργανώνουμε καταγράφουμε αναλυτικά όλα τα σκουπίδια που βρίσκουμε τόσο μέσα όσο και έξω από το νερό.
Από την πρώτη μας δράση στις 9/12/2017 μέχρι και σήμερα 2/9/2019 έχουμε οργανώσει πάνω από 30 επίσημες και ανεπίσημες δράσεις σε περιοχές της Αττικής όπως η Αγια Μαρίνα Κορωπίου, η Γλυφάδα, το Πόρτο Ράφτη Μαρκοπούλου, ο Άλιμος, ο Πειραιάς, η Κερατέα , Σαρωνίδα, το Ελληνικό αλλά και σε περιοχές εκτός Αττικής όπως είναι η Θεσσαλονίκη, η Πάρος, η Νάξος, το Λουτράκι και πολλά ακόμα μέρη. Σε όλες αυτές τις δράσεις έχουμε συλλέξει πάνω από 18.000 αντικείμενα από τον βυθό και τις ακτές. Ενδεικτικά θα σας γράψω παρακάτω τα πιο συχνά σκουπίδια που βρίσκουμε.
Συγκεκριμένα από τον βυθό έχουμε συλλέξει:
642 κουτάκια αλουμινίου
568 καλαμάκια
1464 πλαστικά μπουκάλια
117 λάστιχα
420 ποτήρια μιας χρήσης
2956 πλαστικές σακουλές
Από τις ακτές έχουμε συλλέξει:
1824 γόπες τσιγάρων
1056 καλαμάκια
500 κομμάτια πλαστικού
93 γυάλινα μπουκάλια
700 αλουμινένια κουτάκια
4000 γόπες
This is only the beginning! Meet our team:
My name is Danai. I am in high school and I am a member of the Beach Cleaning community. One of the most concerning issues our planet is going through is global warming, a condition caused by fossil and fuels and the poor management of natural resources by previous and present generations
Hey, I’m Natalie! I’m studying Anthropology and I’m one of the volunteers of the group. Did you know that over 90% of the plastic we use is NOT recycled? Every single minute, the equivalent of a truckload of plastic is dumped into the ocean. But now it’s time to say STOP! Let’s take action! Help us save our oceans and our planet!
My name is Odysseas, and I am studying social work. In the Beach Cleaning team, I go diving and clean the sea. My goal isn’t only to bring more people to clean the beaches and seas but to stop them from using plastic.
Hello, my name is Alexandra. I am interested in the arts, while in my free time I dabble in photography. I want to study Environmental architectural and urban design.
I am a member of the Greek Guiding Association and I have taken part in various social and voluntary activities. I hope the state realizes the need for change and all together become part of it.
My name is Danai. I am in high school and I am a member of the Beach Cleaning community. One of the most concerning issues our planet is going through is global warming, a condition caused by fossil and fuels and the poor management of natural resources by previous and present generations.
Dorothea Theodoropoulou, second grade student at the 26th High School of Athens. Volunteer, who helps with coastal cleanings, at the non-profit organization Beach Cleaning. She was awarded with the 2nd prize in the Cansat School Competition 2019 in Greece. She is mostly worried about global warming and the natural disasters that humans are causing.
Hey, my name is Ilias! I’m studying Environmental Sciences and I’m a volunteer in the Beach Cleaning team. My task in the team is to dive under water and clean the seabed as much as possible. But my task as a person is to inspire and encourage as many people as I can to join our cause, and I really hope you are one of them!
My name is Ilias and I study Electrical & Computer Engineering in Athens. I started volunteering 3 years ago, when my close friend Odysseas founded his own environmental organization called “Beach Cleaning”. Since then, I have gained so much experience cleaning the seas and coasts, meeting new people and exploring new regions. It was definitely one of the best choices of my life and I hope more and more people will follow us on our journey.
Hey there! I am Nikolas and I’m currently studying Electrical and Computer Engineering. Freediving is one of my passions, so being able to be in the water while serving a greater cause- preserving our nature-with the Beach Cleaning team seems exciting!
Hello, my name is Thanasis and I am studying metallurgical and mining engineering. I became a “Beach Cleaning” member helping out of the water, but i have chosen to continue contributing as a free diver. The reason I volunteer for this cause is my passion for the sea. Seeing our coasts in these conditions fuels my will to continue our project.