Excellent collaborator yet able to work well on own initiative and demonstrate high levels of motivation and commitment required to meet the tightest deadlines.

I have the passion, dedication and determination for a successful career in today’s rapidly evolving and challenging business environment.

My genuine enthusiasm and professionalism are indispensable characteristics that can help me achieve my career objectives.


Language Proficiencies:

Greek : Native competence

English: Proficient knowledge

German: Fluent knowledge

Italian : Fluent knowledge

Swedish: Basic knowledge


Employment history:

Volunteer at UNESCO Greece, Climate change project and world heritage,

Bagport Arlanda airport,

Member of the board of advisors at Circular Economy & Eco Innovation Institute (CEEII),

Executive advisor and member of the board of directors at CMK Grupp AB



Graduated in 2020 from Sigtunaskolan humanistiska läroverket, currently studying business economics and political sciences at Stockholm University.


Extra-curricular activities

Design & Technology Club, Sigtuna

November 2018 — Present

In my school I am in the board member of the DTG club (Design & Technology) and I am the head of PR. This gives me a good understanding of public relations and I am experienced on how a board works and the responsibilities it has.



In my free time I do a number of activities that help me relax and work more efficiently on my job environment but also my every day life. Twice a week I box with a friend in my school and on the weekend I play Rugby. I have a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu and Judo and I was in the national team of sailing in Greece in the category of 420 sailing.