Archives for 17 Aug,2019

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Modern life is unthinkable without plastic, but there’s a catch. Some of the properties that make it so useful, like its low cost, light weight and durability, also make it hard to dispose of.

In the EU, instead of recycling all our plastic waste, we send a third of it straight to landfill. That’s a waste of resources, and a waste of energy.

To make things worse, millions of tonnes of this waste end up in the oceans. Birds, turtles and sealife get tangled in plastic bags and abandoned fishing equipment, or they die from eating plastic debris. Over time, larger pieces of plastic break down into tiny particles called microplastic, which can form a sort of plastic soup. These particles can soak up chemical additives and endocrine disruptors, and when they are eaten and enter the food chain, they can end up on our plates.

It’s a large-scale problem, and it needs a global response. Part of the answer can be found in the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN, which include a target to prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, including marine litter.

But the EU is also acting on the problem, and the Circular Economy Action Package adopted in December 2015 makes plastics a priority.

Plastic waste already needed to be collected separately, but the Package proposes raising the recycling target for plastic packaging to 55%, and reducing landfilling to no more than 10% by 2030.

A new dedicated plastics strategy is also being prepared, to help Europe improve recycling, cut marine litter, and remove potentially dangerous chemicals. The Commission published the roadmap of the Communication on Plastics in a Circular Economy (including action on marine litter) on January 2017.

It’s the first comprehensive policy response to the plastic challenge, tackling design, manufacturing, use and disposal – a truly strategic approach.


Conference on Plastic Waste - 30 September 2013

“The role of plastic waste in a circular economy”

The Commission’s Green Paper on plastic waste in the environment, published on 7 March 2013, has attracted great interest with over 270 replies from public authorities, NGOs, industry and other stakeholders.

Plastic waste has started to attract increased public attention, notably due to a growing number of reports about marine litter. An estimated amount of more than 100.000 t, mostly so-called micro-plastics, is floating in the world’s oceans. This is a great concern in particular since plastic and POPs concentrated on the surface of micro-plastics could enter the food chain. The potential environmental effects of this phenomenon are only beginning to be fully understood.

Despite these concerns, apart from the general provisions in the EU Waste Framework Directive, no specific EU legislation addresses plastic waste in a strategic way. In the light of the EU’s policy objective of achieving a resource efficient recycling society it is hard to accept that in Europe we still landfill nearly 50% of plastic waste. On average nearly 80% of plastic in the marine environment is estimated to be coming from land.

Stepping up plastic waste prevention, preparation for re-use, recycling and separate plastic waste collection, as well as improving plastic design and plastic product design are all essential contributors to help achieve ‘zero plastic to landfill’ and move to a circular economy. Plastic products and plastic waste are two sides of the same coin and recycling already starts in the product design phase. Designers need to be involved in the reflection on the entire life cycle of products including the waste phase. All actors designing, producing, using and disposing of plastic products and handling plastic waste will have to contribute to a less wasteful economy.

The conference brings together high-level experts from very different angles who will help to get a more complete picture on how to adjust the present resource inefficient management of plastic waste and advance towards a more circular economy. The conference will be a platform for lively debates and the sharing of insights into the best possible way forward to address plastic and plastic waste in the future.

Please note that presentations are available on the event page.

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My ambitions are to manage and develop a team, unit or organization to success.


Jan 2009 – Present
Recycling Manager & Logistics Soderhalls Renhallningsverk AB – SORAB

SORAB is a regional waste company established in 1978 which is owned by 10 municipalities in northern Stockholm.

SORAB is responsible for processing household waste incl. household bulky waste and hazardous waste and serves about 500 000 inhabitants with a turnover of 265 Mn SEK ≈ 33.4 Mn USD. SORAB help households and businesses dispose of the waste generated in the region in an environmentally sound manner.

For details, please see appendix 1.

April 2005 – Dec 2008
Service Delivery Manager Key Account Ragn-Sells AB

Ragn-Sells is Sweden’s leading company in recycling and the environmental collection. They collect, process and recycle waste and residues from industry, organizations and households throughout Sweden.


May 2003 – Mars 2005
Production Manager and Service Delivery Development Ragn-Sells AB - Industry & Business

Nov 2000 – April 2003
Operation Manager Recycling Ragn-Sells AB - Industry & Business

1998 – 2001
Part-time Firefighter Sigtuna Marsta Raddningstjanst (local Fire Department)

Jan1998 – Nov 2000
Sanitation Recycling Worker
Miljoservice AB (Current SUEZ)

June 1997 – Dec 1998
Sanitation Recycling Worker Ragn-Sells AB

Jan 1996 – May 1997
Athletics Teacher City of Stockholm

Aug 1994 – Dec 1996
Bakery Operation Manager Pautrask Livs AB (food retailer)


1993 - 1994
Athletics and Leadership at Lillsved Gymnastics and sports college

1-year Nordic sports management training

1991 - 1992
Compulsory Military training in the Swedish Armed Forces (10 months)

Swedish Arctic Rangers - Team Commander

K4 Arvidsjaur, Batalion

1987 - 1990
SSHL – International Boarding School

3-year Social Sciences.

1978 – 1996
Elementary School – Sigtuna ST:Per & ST:Olof

Multiple courses and training classes in Excel/VisualBasic, Psychology, Leadership and other performed during the years 1993 and 2016.



Swedish – mother tongue

English – good

Very good knowledge and skills in

        • Project planning and management
        • Planning and implementation of strategies and production solutions
        • Coaching/training of employees, contractors, consultants
        • Team development
        • Quotation and sales presentations
        • Budget and profit
        • Create spreadsheets and other templates and tools in Visual Basic
        • Microsoft Office / Outlook, Windows, Excel, PowerPoint etc.
        • Environmental and quality management systems ISO 9001 and 14001
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